The Plant Paddle was a success. 18 people and 2 instructors met at the Fox's house on 6/19/22 for an introduction/review for identifying suspect invasive plants. Hopefully participants will be able to watch their own waterfront for invasives after attending. Additionally,the Invasive Plant Patrol gained 1 new member, Nancy Patterson. Nancy will patrol a section on the southern end of the lake from the point near Sunset Lodge, past the outlet to Idman's Beach. A big area to be sure, but Nancy says she is up for it and is often swimming or kayaking in the same area. No one was surveying this area previously.
Thank You Nancy!
I have had another report from a lake resident of a suspected invasive plant in the Scott"s Neck Way area and I am following up with that report now.
Christy Stout 207-299-5521 or
The plant paddle is a short (3 hour) guided exploration
that takes place on the shore and on the water.
There is plenty of room for people to join us here on Green Lake.
Please contact Christy Stout if interested in joining us.
In 2018, the staff of the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) conducted a plant paddle on beautiful Flanders Pond in Sullivan. This annual 3 hour program will prepare you to survey your shoreline and identify plants.
Previous plant identification experience is not required.
Bring a bottle of water and a snack
*Reduce game and fish populations
*Ruin boat engines and jam steering equipment
*Make lakes and rivers unusable for boaters and swimmers
*Degrade ecosystems
*Reduce native species
*Reduce property values
*Affect local economies of water-dependent
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